WWE has been is business for a long time. They have their hands in tons of things too. Movies, books, DVD collections, TV, and games. The games have always appealed to me because why the show is fake, in the games treats it like it is real. The customization has always been there as well, being able to make your own superstars and take them to glory and the world title.
The 2010 version was good but it did lack some key things. The first problem was the AI, your opponents were quite stupid most of the time, walking straight into your grapples or not even trying to stop you from using a chair on them. It seemed to be that no matter how low your overall statistics were, you could beat them with ease. The entrances were clunky and painful to watch at times. Along with that, you could challenge anyone for their title no matter what, the commentators said such generic things you sometimes wondered if they were even watching the match or you wondered if they were watching your match, and the ring announcer sometimes would introduce you with an irritated tone more then an enthusiastic tone.
2011 fixed all this and then some. The commentators still have some generic lines but they are accurate and use your superstar's name a lot more. The ring announcers also have been updated and they introduce with a lot of enthusiasm and with the voice acting done by the actual announcers you actually feel like you are at the show. The entrances are smooth and a joy to watch. It is very fun to create your own entrance with fireworks and then watch it smiling at your creation. The opponents are tougher and I found myself actually breathing a sigh of relief after winning a close match. New options and more customization allowed you to create a more detailed superstar.
The biggest change was the system allowing you to go after titles, it has made it harder and more authentic. This version introduces something called The WWE Universe, it is the yearly schedule so to speak. You create your superstar, choose a show and off you go. Your superstar appears in matches in the show and you work your way up the rankings to become the #1 contender and then the champion. You also fight at pay-per-view events defending your title and such. There is money in the bank match you can win and use it to go for a title whenever you want. On top of that there are feuds that can be started simply by beating certain people on a regular basis or alliances that can be forged if you fight along side someone enough times. Along with that, the weapons are more lethal, you can do more with the chairs and on the outside of the ring you can do more damage. In universe mode there are also matches where people will interfere who actually would interfere unlike the old version where random people would come out for no reason. Sneak attacks will also happen, I remember one where I was sneak attacked by my opponent before the bell had rung and as a result I started the match on the ground with my superstar in pain. I lost the match due to the attack. 2011 is a massive step up and it reminds me why I love those games.
ReviewGrade-Harvest It!
Highs-A new graphics engine makes it pleasing and smooth. Good voice acting, improved on matches and system.
Lows-Still easy at times and the generic comments are still there
ESRB Rating-T for Teen the equivalent of PG-13 rating
Kid Friendly?No, it still is violent and although it got a teen rating it still has some parts I think are a bit graphic
Overview-It is good, I spent $59.99 on it and that's how much it is worth, a good solid game and it clearly improved.