I like games that incorporate humor with game play. There plenty of funny one liners inserted in games that make me chuckle. Who can forget Morrigan in Dragon Age suggesting the release of someone and after another group member commenting on her show of mercy as surprising she responds by saying, "I also suggest that Alistair take his place in the cage." Priceless Unfortunately many games either can't incorporate it or they do a poor job of it. Games that center around only jokes and humor often don't work.
I was happy to find this gem of a game called Magicka. Unlike other games it knows its ridiculous and it embraces the role. The result is a game that is enjoyable to play and will have you laughing most of the time. The very opening itself suggests humor when a NPC yells down at you, "Remember, the safe word is Banana!" That is the last thing you hear before the tutorial starts.
Magicka is a game where you combine certain magical elements together to cast powerful spells and use certain abilities to help yourself. The mechanics also are very well done. After running through a puddle I noticed a big monster coming through the door ahead. So, I decided to cast lighting and kill the monster. The only problem is that I was still wet and found myself being electrocuted. Not only did I laugh at that but I also busted up laughing after I accidentally set myself on fire during a battle.
One shining part of the game is your character creation, there isn't any! Your character is someone in a cloak (which you choose the color of) and the face is just a black void. You run around with a staff and a sword which you get at the beginning. Forget about upgrading your staff or sword, there is no inventory or money system. Many would bast the game for that missing piece but it without the game takes away the sometimes tedious job of going through your inventory making sure you have the best weapons and armor equipped. Another funny part is the game knows that it has no system and it makes fun of itself for it. An prime example of this would be near the beginning. After helping a woman clear out goblins near her house I went to her for a reward. She responded thus, "Thanks for your help, I would give you some coins or a staff but this game has no inventory system! Tough luck!" I responded by setting her on fire and simply headed down the road. T
That's another thing, you can attack almost anything. I ran into a farmer's field and set his livestock and entire crop ablaze. When he seemed to be angry I simply showed him the what happens when rocks fall out of the sky. The boss battles are all very well done and force you to use strategy rather then button mashing or pressing the cast key as quick as you can. One boss had scales that I could not penetrate with any spell. I had to incorporate hit and run tactics combined with rock and fire elements to bring it down.
Levels are beautiful and graphics are well done. They are nothing to get excited about but they do the job and the game is so fun and enjoyable that you won't be worrying about the fact that the houses look like something from 2005. Perhaps Paradox entertainment is doing something right.
Grade-Let it Ripen
Highs-Funny humor and good game play, destructible environments, ability to attack anything
Lows-Humor can be very dark sometimes, story is confusing sometimes and element combos take time to master
ESRB Rating-T, for Teens, 13 and up
Kid Friendly? The humor is dark and your character has bone hands, the game has a T Rating, I would follow that rating
Overview-A good game, at $9.99 on Steam, it is a steal!