Thug: This is none of your concern human, turn and walk away!
Jedi: I think you should leave that poor man alone and go jump off the docks
Thug: I will leave him alone, a nice jump into space would be fun
I watch as he turns and jumps off the nearest space dock where he will be falling for four hours before landing hard somewhere. A notification pops up letting me know I have gained Dark Side points making me travel further down the path of the dark side of the force. Using the force for such evil purposes may not be right but necessary.
Even years after is release this game still is played and loved. Kotor 2 as it has been called after the first game coined Kotor. Kotor 2 has no strange ideas about how things should go, it knows what a player wants, to use a cool lightsaber and the force. It helps you achieve these goals quickly making it easy to choose to become like Yoda or become like Vader.

Building and improving upon the first game Kotor 2 starts off where the first game kind of left off. The war you fought in is over and the Jedi lost. The Sith are not systematically hunting down Jedi and killing them. The Jedi council is destroyed and disbanded out of fear. Your a former exiled Jedi and you wake up after spending about a week in a kolto tank. Kolto tanks are the magic giant healing vats used in the Star Wars movies. After waking you find yourself on an asteroid that serves as a mining station for an asteroid field. You find out that you and two others are the only living beings on the station, and you need to leave before it blows. As you travel through the station you will find yourself encountering hostile robots, a prisoner who you free to help you out and a protocol droid that says things such as "Answer" or "Statement" each time clarifying the type of thing he is about to say before saying it.
After escaping the station you land on another planet where you have to go through a series of quests that eventually lead you to a small secret Jedi Academy. The owner is a member of the council (they are supposed to be dead) and after speaking with her she will treat you based on how you respond. My first time I was a complete jerk and told her if I had the chance I would kill her with my lightsaber (which she had in her possession at this point). She told me to leave right away, so I had my droid download all the files on her computer and then I left with my crew and bunch of information she didn't want me to have.

The point of the game is to regain your Jedi abilities and to gather the remaining members of the Jedi together to unite and fight the Sith to reclaim the galaxy. You will go through planet after planet to find these members while completing quests such as bringing down a crime organization, fixing the elections, helping kill or save a colony, keeping a royal system in power, and many other things. You can even kill the Jedi council members to get a different game and ending. You eventually can master the ligh side of the force or the dark side. Each has its own advantages and different advantages. Your companions in the game will comment on the light they see about you and how they want to be like you, the light side. The flip side is they continually comment on the fact that they were talking then in a killing frenzy, an effect of the dark side and its moments.
The game is not graphically still beautiful but it holds its own. No strange glitchy graphics like walking through walls or anything of that sort. The facial expressions never change so your character is a constant state of looking angry, happy, or neutral. One bright spot is the glow of the sabers and your Jedi/Sith robe will flow behind you when you run. Among that if your low on health your character will walk around limping and holding their stomach in pain until your back to 25% health. It does have bad things, the inventory system is impossible to manage and there are times after combat where you character gets stuck and won't move. There were times when my character would not be able to move, forcing me to save then load at that point to fix the problem.

Overall the game is good, still holds its own today and still able to be found online and strangely enough, I have seen it at retail stores still being sold, some things never die. After all, who doesn't want lighting coming out of their hands!
Grade-Let it Ripen
Highs-Veterans and Star Wars fans will love the tactics and lore, the new players will fall in love
Lows-AI is dumb at times, stuck glitches, and sometimes characters don't seem to care how mean or nice you are
ESRB Rating-T for Teens, Ages 13 and up
Kid Friendly?It's a bit complicated and it can be violent, respect the rating
Where Can I Get It?Amazon has it, Steam as it and they sell the game for about $19.99 but you can also get it in some stories
Overview-Still good and enjoyable, use the force!