I recently played through yet another level of a game called Spellforce 2. I have not beaten it yet because the time it takes is not time I have and because it seems to never end! Apart from making you go back to places you have been to, the game also has you traveling to new places with your hero and where you build an army and take out another enemy base before learning that your help is appreciated but the big bad evil boss is gone and you need to peruse him/her into another corner of the world. So far I have been to 21 levels and counting! This is not a problem because the game is great and continually challenges you and why it may sound repetitive, it isn't. Each level is different in the sense that some levels don't let you build an army and thus forces you to put your hero in harms way or to somehow change your tactics up.
I am a fan of the Spellforce games because they combine RPG (Role Playing Game) with RTS (Real Time Strategy). This style means you have a hero that you create and make stronger but it ditches the traditional RPG style. RPGs used to allow your hero and his/her companions to walk into a world and take out an entire country worth of enemies without taking a scratch. Spellforce decided that why it was fun it was not practical, so they created a game where you have a hero but in order to take out a country, you need an army. Your hero has the ability to take control of a friendly HQ and build an army allowing which they lead into battle. It makes the game fun and while it is still fantasy, it is somewhat more practical. Spellforce 2 changed the place and time but kept the same mechanics.
But now going on a few years I still have not heard a peep of Spellforce 3, so I went to the forums of the developer, JoWood, and found fans clamoring for it. Well instead of listening to the fans JoWood has decided that fans don't matter. They instead have thrown a moderator onto the forums, this moderator has taken to basically demeaning fans and attacking anything they say. So I ask myself, does JoWood want to loose customers? If that is their plan, then I commend them because the moderator they set loose is very good at insulting and mocking people. Now, I know that making a game takes money, a lot of money but most game companies that are doing well, they stick with what works and they listen to fans. EA, Activision-Blizzard, Bethesda, Bioware, and more, they all are doing well because they listen and produce.
The forums are filled with people saying they will buy the game Spellforce 3 if it is made. JoWood stays silent and seems to not even want to discuss it. This may be on of the worse decisions I have ever seen. It is the equivalent of someone offering you money and instead of taking it, you ignore them and walk away. I know that sounds stupid but that is exactly what JoWood is doing.
I think the only thing left to hope for is JoWood going bankrupt and EA or someone, buying the rights to Spellforce and making a third one. It has happened before. Interplay made two Fallout games before going bankrupt. Bethesda bough the rights and made Fallout 3. It earned them a Game of the Year award! Until JoWood gets smart or ceases to exist I guess the fans will have to replay the current Spellforce games.
Spellforce 1-$14.99 on Steam, for the game all its expansions (Pick It)
Spellforce 2-$29.99 on Steam, for the game and its expansions (Harvest It!)
Grading System
Harvest It!- Get this game! It is awesome! No time to waste!
Pick It- It's good, get it, it can wait though
It Could Grow- The game needs work, unless its cheap (19.99) avoid it
Needs Some Cultivating- Don't even get it, it is a waste
It's Dead- Why was it published? Who at the company signed off?
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