I fire off another round an it explodes in a ball of fire but the robot keeps coming. I run back and position myself next to one of my turrets and fire off four more rounds before reloading. The robot gets closer but right before he hits me my turret finishes what I started. I finish reloading and take on the next not, my two turrets help me make short work of him and Round 8 of 20 is complete, this is what you will experience in Monday Night Combat!

Not to be confused with Monday Night Football, this is much better and no bad commentators to ruin it. Just an overly cheesy PA announcer that actually makes the game even better. The game show PA announcer is funny to begin with considering the "game show" is shooting robots to keep them from stealing a huge money ball in the middle. The point of the game is simple, your dropped into an arena with weapons and you kill robots to earn cash, then you use the cash to upgrade yourself and other parts of the arena. You defend a money ball in the center of the arena and some of the money can be spent to build and upgrade turrets around it. And trust me, you will need the turrets to help you keep the robots at bay, since your alone.

Apart from the single player aspect, it is even better multiplayer, co-op is fun as hell and the community is also very helpful and respectful. Running around blowing things up is always fun and this time is no exception. Combine all this with the cartoon graphics and you got a whole lot of fun.

There are also fun strange product endorsements you see. They are not for real products but they are used for funny jokes. Certain combat rounds are sponsored by fictional products. And the cartoon girls make sure to never let you forget about it. I was offered the soda Spunky by one of them.
Problems arise as the game will crash sometimes for no reason. It will freeze and although patches are still being applied, you would hope that would be fixed. Not to mention the patching system is nothing to rave about. Rather then using Steam or another service it came through, it uses its own patching system which does not work all that well. It was quick but still was not very efficient.
Putting everything together, it is good and it is a lot of fun. Humor and action, sometimes, like this time, it works very well.
Grade-Let it Ripen
Highs-Fun action, great humor and jokes, along with just good concepts in the gameplay and multiplayer
Lows-Patching needs work and the random crashes sometimes break the experience
ESRB Rating-T for Teens, Ages 13 and up
Kid Friendly?Apart from some sexy cartoon women dressed a bit skimpy, it is great for your kids, lots of fun
Overview-A great game and tons of fun!
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