An explosion rocks me as I stagger before continuing next to my squad mates as we run towards our objective. "Take out the guy with the grenade launcher!" someone yells. I skid to a crouch and aim carefully down my sights at him. He is reloading to send another rain of death. I squeeze of a shot to his head and he drops, one less thing to worry about. I get back up and catch up with the rest of the squad that is all crouched at the base of a hill as everyone reloads and makes sure they are ready for the firefight we will face at the top of the hill. Suddenly a chopper flies over us and we all turn and open fire on it, the enemy clearly waited to play this card until they needed an ace up their sleeve.
I said I wouldn't do it but I did, I got caught up in the craziness that is Battlefield 3. However, after a stint in multiplayer I was convinced that being caught up was a good thing. While the game play is good, the graphics are better. So very pretty and well polished. At times I almost had to remind myself I was playing a game and not watching a news report from the front. After just a good amount of my night spent in the multiplayer I have found out which maps I love, which I hate, and which ones I hate but can't seem to stop myself from playing on them.

Single player is somewhat enjoyable, the story is more believable then Modern Warfare 2 and less ridiculous as it builds on the wars and situations we have in the world currently by using the easy option, Iran. I don't understand why more games haven't gone this way recently. Why create a fictional crazy leader in another country when you have a real one in Iran? If your opposed to Iran then use North Korea but I digress. Not to mention that hand to hand combat is an option and everyone likes that.
Where the game shines is multiplayer. I have been yearning for a multiplayer shooter where people act and operate like a squad and I finally found it. Not to mention that fighting others on multiplayer consists of more then just charging in and spraying bullets randomly. Ammo is not usually laying around all over but the hand to hand combat makes up for it. At one point I ran out of ammo and found myself still pinned down by enemy fire. I was trying to get to a balcony to signal my team that the hallway was clear but I couldn't make it. I decided that charging was the only option. I drew my knife and after the the opposing player shot another burst I charged down the hall and showed up right next to him. I guess he was surprised to see me and before he could shoot me I drove my knife right into him, problem solved. Such things earned the rating it got though.

Battlefield 3 seems to gently force you into that mode as most of the time taking an objective by yourself is suicide and since Duke Nukem is not around, your going to need some help. But not just on the ground, your also going to need some vehicular assistance.I was never a fan in the early Battlefield games of driving things because my driving skill made the insurance rates skyrocket (five jeeps, three strikers, two tanks, and one aircraft) but now I seem to have increased in skill for some reason. After finding that I was much better I jumped in the nearest jet and promptly crashed. After figuring out what I did wrong I jumped into the next game and before long was flying just fine. After a dogfight with a chopper that I prolonged by playing around with him I kept on flying to assist my team on the ground. I spotted my squad and noticed where they were headed. I took off at full speed and unloaded what I could at the objective. After causing quite a few deaths I turned around and after a few more turns found myself just behind the squad as they kept on their course towards what was left of their objective after my pass. A thank you popped up in my chat window as they moved in and took care of the last few defenders left.
On the flip side I found AI behavior to be painful. There were several times in single player where I would look to my right and I would see sweat on my AI squad mate but I would notice his gun was at a resting position while the entire time I was firing at the enemy pouring through the door and he was standing by and watching. Shoot! Don't watch! Not to mention I got shoved off more then a few balconies when my AI squad mates would rush out to help me. I died four times from the same balcony in one level before I had to rage quit and read a book so I could decompress.
All in all the game is good just like its predecessor, the thing that the Battlefield series has always excelled in in destructible levels. You can destroy almost everything in the level. No back door to the house? Create one with a grenade. And honestly, who doesn't like virtually destroying things?
Grade-Harvest It!
Highs-An action packed shooting fest! Multiplayer makes this game good and the single player story is good.
Lows-AI behavior is maddening and some of the vehicles are jerky in control
ESRB Rating-M for Mature, Ages 17 and up
Kid Friendly?There is cursing in single player mode, multiplayer of course will have cursing and the blood and guts, I would say respect the rating
Overview-A great game and tons of fun let yourself get caught up in it.
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