I fire off two guns bursts but the robot seems unfazed by it, not good. I jump over him throwing a fire shield around myself and landing as close as possible to the robot inflicting tons of damage as he catches fire. I roll forward then turn and fire both guns at the back of the robot's head as he clanks and falls forward hitting the ground hard. He starts to climb up but I jump onto his back and finish the job with a point blank shot to the head. No time to revel in the glory, the ship I am on is going down, time to leave.
Welcome to DC Universe Online, be a superhero, or close to it. Through some strange twist of fate Lex Luthor killed all the superheroes and then submitted to work for Brainiac, a huge villain who made Luthor his slave. Luthor saw Earth die so he went back in time and warned the superheroes, the good ones and he told them his plan. He released a bug into Earth's atmosphere helping ordinary become super to fight Brainiac when he comes to take over Earth. And you play as one of these new supers. Hero or Villain, the choice is yours.

I decided to be a good super and went the hero route. After going through a long but enjoyable character creation (trust me it's fun) I went to the game. You start on the one of Brainac's ships and you proceed to break out. A respective hero or villain from DC Comics is trying to get into the ship to help you for when you get out. The opening teaches you the basics about how to kill, loot, and level up. Once done you show up in the city on Earth. From there you take contracts or jobs to help people, or hurt them it depends on your alignment, You also choose a mentor from among the current heroes and villains.
I went villain the second time through and found it to be much more enjoyable. As a hero I found myself bending over backwards to please people and save them from harm. as a villain I could walk into a job and do whatever I wanted and chalk up hiccups as collateral damage. But it's all about playing the way you want to. And as you progress your powers grow and as your powers grow so do the enemies. While running into a starting area and decimating small time enemies is fun the reward is greater when you team up with three others and all four of you work to take down one giant enemy.

Not to mention that at times a hero well help you out. In the early levels and help areas it will be your mentor coming to your aid. Other heroes will show up to help you out and it is great fun to fight along a character you might have seen in a movie, in a comic, or both. And some of the best moments are when you notice the similarities and huge differences between your mentor and you.
The mentor you choose is the one who can train you to enhance your skills the way you want them to be, you will probably pick up something from them while adding your own spin to it. Your moves all look distinct and while there will be some overlap, your character is your own and with the combos possible you probably will never look like someone else unless you try to. Your moves will also look different as the combos for those are also nearly endless.

Occasionally the hero will need help of his own. And that is when you run off with them to help. Chances are you have the same or close the same skill set as the hero your assisting. The reason for it being that his mission he needs help on will require the skill set. The game does this part great, you will never find yourself bringing flying abilities to a super speed fight.
The graphics are cartoon like and the gameplay can get stale but other then that the game is a joy to play. Plenty of fun and lots of replayability. It's free on Steam and free to play but the free only gives you two character slots. Want more characters and content? Your going to have fork over money.
Grade-Harvest It!
Highs-Free and you get to be super with the supers! What's not to like? And very fun
Lows-Stale fight sequences and limited choices in free mode
ESRB Rating-T, for Teen, Ages 13 and up
Kid Friendly?To a point, respect the rating
Overview-It is free and fun, give it a shot and be SUPER!
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