Co-op gaming is not valued on a regular basis. For some odd reason people are more interested in playing a game where they can take down other players. Even in games where teamwork is needed, often no one works as a team. Although there have been exceptions to that with older games and some new games have made maps and match types that are designed to punish players that go lone wolf and thus forces them into the team aspect.
One of the main problems is that people who play the deathmatch games where it's a free for all forget how to play nice with others. They jump into a multiplayer game requiring teamwork and have no idea what to do. The result is they get frustrated and shoot their own teammates in the back, they are warned, then they do it again and it is only a matter of mere minutes until the host kicks them out of the game for it.

Teamwork games are one of the best parts of co-op gaming though. Return to Castle Wolfenstein had an expansion called Enemy Territory that is one of the best examples of teamwork. Axis vs Allies basically and the maps all have objectives. Apart from that each person chooses a class they want to be. And in order to complete missions you will need all the classes different talents and skills. Not to mention having someone cover you will you plant a landmine is always a good thing.
Fantasy sword fighting games have always lagged behind in co-op though. The problem with the fantasy sword fighting games is that archers often are left out because they can't get as many kills. They also are good at accidentally shooting their friends when they send an arrow at the enemy everyone is focused on. Thankfully World of Warcraft has brought all of those people into the mix.

Of course one of the best co-op games around is Army of Two. The Army of Two games are made for co-op play. While you can play the game alone it is not any fun. Anyone who has played Army of Two with a friend can recount some fun co-op moments. You are two elite soldiers with big guns running through war torn places taking out bad guys and both of your characters have smart mouths, what could be better? Sadly not a lot of games have taken Army of Two's methods and used them.
The key is getting players to want to work together. Some games force it and others require it but making want it is almost impossible. Some say it is impossible. What could make players want to work together. Some think that in a game where it is necessary makes it a want. Sadly those types of games are of the required brand, the medic heals me because it is necessary for me to be healthy to help the team, they didn't want to heal me possibly but they want to win, not a want to heal, a requirement.

Wanting to work together comes in the form of sports games though. Who doesn't love passing the ball up the floor to your friend so he can dunk it. Or tag in your buddy in a WWE game so he can take out the other team because his character is fresh and rested. Madden is one of the best examples, having a friend as a lead blocker is always a good thing when you running for a touchdown.
As more games bring in co-op the time of lone wolf and free for all gaming is coming to an end. Of course. don't forget strategy games, some of the best free for all gaming moments are strategy games. Starcraft 2 is the best example. The strategy communtiy is alive and well and at times evil. Starcraft 2 keeps spirit with the its predecssor and allows players to sitll go head to head in great matches. Age of Empires wasn't bad eiether allowing people to build their armies and have huge clashes in the middle of the map over resources, some of the best Age of Empires battles were over that small pile of gold. And now gamers wait for the next pile of gold in multiplayer gaming, just one question, will co-op be left out?
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